Our STILL MOMENTS, which are suppose to be our lifeline, are the very things we lose. After a while, we sit and ask ourselves, "did we really do these?" Happy and not happy moments are the best memories we can ever have irrespective of what one thinks about those not so happy moments. The only thing that separates humans from other species is our ability think and mature in our capability to reason. It's our ability to hold on to these STILL MOMENTS that makes us and will keep us human.
I had one today, a thought, rather an epiphany, was very gratifying. May be one day I will grow and not be that person who loses himself in his worries. I pray for more times like these; at least, I know that it always makes me smile. I'm sure it will do same for you. STILL MOMENTS, they are worth having so keep that camera, or camcorder close by.
Precious memories Hmmnn. How they always linger